2020-2022 NAHSE SoCal Executive Board
Not pictured: Gary Frazier (President-Elect), Dante Tolbert (Treasurer)
Executive Board Duties and Powers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization; shall enforce the Bylaws, shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter and all powers incidental thereto. He or she may delegate any of his or her duties to the President-Elect, and may assign regular or special duties to any member of the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall represent the Chapter at the Association and attend at least two (2) meetings each year of the Association Board of Directors.
The President-Elect shall have such powers and perform such duties as shall be delegated to him or her by the President, or shall be required by him or her by the Board of Directors.
The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of the meeting of the members and the Board of Directors in books provided for this purpose. The Secretary shall notify by mail or telephone, meeting notices or other information requested by the President and shall handle all correspondence for the organization. S/he will provide minutes to the National Office for audit purposes, maintain historical files of the organization and will prepare an annual report containing observations, accomplishments, and recommendations to be submitted to the Executive and Advisory board. S/he will develop and send event notifications to NAHSE-SoCal's chapter members.
The Treasurer shall be a signatory on the Chapter's bank: accounts. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and oversee the keeping of all financial records of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall submit financial reports of the Chapter as requested by the President or the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall comply with the reporting requirements established by the Association relative to the finances of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds; keep all financial records of the Chapter and make recommendations in regards to the Chapter's fiscal affairs. The Treasurer shall submit financial reports to the Chapter as requested by the President or the Executive Committee.
The Member-at-Large serves as a liaison to the general membership body.
The Parliamentarian shall set and rule on parliamentary procedures to insure proper and expeditious use of the Chapter’s time.
Student Liaison:
The Student Liaison assists the President and Executive Board in promoting the vision, mission and values of NAHSE by reaching out to the local college and university students in the community, and facilitating an awareness of the local chapter to the student body. The Student Liaison is expected to be well-informed about the policies, programs and services of the NAHSE SoCal Chapter through active participation in these activities and to be visible and active in the college/university community.
Immediate Past President:
The Immediate Past President provides advice and leadership to the Executive Board regarding past practices and other matters to assist the Board in governing. The Immediate Past President supports the president and the President-Elect on an as-needed basis.